Friday, January 24, 2014

We leave today!

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid ; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Leaving for Haiti today.  Hoping to get into the village of Tricotte sometime late tomorrow afternoon.  Flying into New York and then Port-au-Prince and then a couple hour car ride into rural Haiti. 

This trip is packed!
Sunday-Church and get settled
Monday- Going into surrounding villages to promote our seminar for women.
Tuesday-Seminar all day
Wednesday- Going to visit local schools in the morning so we don't interrupt the normal trip to market the women make on Wednesday morning. Then our seminar will continue Wednesday afternoon.
Thursday- Seminar all day, including the distribution of the feminine hygiene kits with washable reusable supplies.
Friday- Leave early for the city of Port au Prince, spend the night there and catch plane Saturday morning.
Saturday-we will be home late.

Every evening we are planning on spending time with kids in the orphanage.  There are 60 kids there.  We are bringing 60 new hand made outfits for the kids. 

Thank you to all those praying for me and who gave their money to support me.  I am feeling very blessed.  My entire trip has been funded by donations.  There is a even a surplus of money that has come in for our team and we will be providing lunch to up to 300 women each day at the seminar and then we will use the rest towards toward the greatest needs at Starfish ministries.  Our team gets to see what we think the greatest needs are after seeing it with our own eyes and decide where money should be directed.

So am I nervous? Yes.  Am I excited? Yes.  Do I have doubts sometimes about what I am doing? Yes.  Do I have confidence that those doubts are not from God? Yes.  I keep thinking that because I know God wants me to go on this trip it should be easy, without stress and anxiety and work.  That is silly I know.  The best things in life are often hard, but have the greatest rewards!  Spiritual warfare is an ongoing battle and I already know who wins.

Please continue to pray for our team.  I feel so blessed to be going with some amazing people.  Already so blessed by the friendship and prayers that God has blessed me with through these people.