Thursday, November 28, 2013

I am going to Haiti on a mission trip.  Just for a week, but I am excited and want to share the journey with friends, family, and maybe even some strangers.  I can't wait. 

So what do I know so far about the trip?  Well, I am traveling with a group of 7 people from my church, North County Christ the King.  I think we are joining another team of  people from Starfish Ministries.  Starfish has been serving the people of Haiti for several years.  I will share more about Starfish as I learn more. 

When? End of January

Where? Tricotte, Haiti.  It looks like we travel a couple of hours north from Port-Au-Prince by 4 wheel drive to get to Tricotte.  Some roads are paved and some not so much. I even hear we cross some rivers driving through the water, exciting!

Why? We are hoping to establish relationships to start a long term ministry called the "Miracle of Birth".  This is a vision of my group leader Catherine.  The goal is to prevent as many needless deaths to infants and mothers in childbirth by educating women in the art and skill of midwifery.  This trip is just the start though and our short term goal will be much more focused on starting relationships, community education, and sharing Christ through the bible and with our individual testimonies.  Looks like I will get to use some of my skills as a nurse too.  I am not pretending to be a mid-wife or to have ever been a nurse in a delivery room just in case any one who knows me was wondering.  As a nurse, I hope to share some knowledge about the female anatomy, the processes of female reproduction system, preventing disease, hygiene, and purity.

I ask for prayers for safety.  I ask for prayers that we are a blessing to the people of Haiti.